December 13, 2006


Yeah so here's a picture of my swollen up fingers, at first it was just the ring finger but now the middle finger has started swelling up too. And just the last few days the index finger on my other hand. I reckon it's probably the dani back in my tatami mats again. They seem to thrive in the colder weather. Probably because it is warmer inside the house for em or something. I sprayed my mats last night and will do it again tonight and hopefully that should take care of it...

Last night I was watching a show about medical horror stories. How people get ripped off and led astray by their doctors. They were focussing a lot on things to do with pregnancy and birthing stories and they showed a graph which plotted the average number of births for each day of the week over a few months and the numbers dramatically dropped over the weekend. On Mondays the numbers would spike right back up again. They reckon that this is caused by doctors who are using drugs to either slow down or speed up labour so that they don't have to work on the weekend! Apparently the number of births during office hours are also strangely high. There were stories of doctors giving their patients drugs, telling them they were just a painkiller but it was really to induce labour and things like that. Seems to me that Japan isn't a place you'd wanna be stuck in if you were pregnant. The doctors seem to have an attitude that whatever they say goes and the patient has in choice in the matter. Then again, that is probably produced by the patient trusting them too much and not asking questions about drugs and so on. Still, not a show you would want to be watching if you had a bun in the oven I reckon.


Anonymous said...

that's massive - does it hurt??

Tallgirl said...

Yeah, a little bit, especially when the kids try and hang off it!

Anonymous said...

the photo's a new addition!