May 17, 2006

I'm a life saver

OK for some reason the Japanese weather has decided to revert to wintery cold so just when I thought my jumpers and thermals were safely out of sight and mind we get a dip in the temperature to the tune of about 10 degrees. The Japanese persist however, with informing me that it is hot today. Really? Do I seem hot to you with my scarf wrapped up to my nose? Yesterday's discussion about the opening of the pool never seemed more of an innappropriate subject matter to me. For some reason I have been entrusted with pool watching duty four times throughout the week... do they just assume I have life saving abilities? Because frankly if I am watching grade 3 I might be tempted to ignore the oddly child-shaped blob floating at the bottom of the pool, particularly if his name is Hiroki. English lessons are my priority after all, and they would be vastly improved by his absence.

Preparations for the school sports day are in full swing which means teachers are doing extra overtime and generally acting extremely busy indeed while I sit around doing my usual; nothing much. The sports day is of course on a weekend which means a long weekend this week and no weekend at all next week. I am planning my escape on Friday night, straight to Osaka I think. Gotta make the most of the holidays since it seems my "let's have August off" proposal isn't getting very far...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on Jo, wheres the bronze aussie, get out the zinc cream and bikini oh and dont forget the whistle.