November 30, 2006

200th post! Happy Birthday Blog

Just now at lunch the 2 boys who I lost my rag at in class yesterday came in and apologised to me for being shits. They were talking and talking and talking all through my class. Apparently they were forced to write a page about what they did, take it home and have their mums look at it and decide what they should do to make it up with me. And their mums decided that they should apologise to me, they decided they should do what everyone said but they aren't really sorry. That's ok, next week when they talk in class I can just kick em out again. Easy.


Sloth said...

You should make them eat their words. Literally.
Make them eat the page of writing they had to do.

If your lucky they might cark it from ink poisining.

Anonymous said...

i'd make them scrub the desks with a tooth brush in silence. and if they start talking then they have to clean them again.