February 08, 2007

Quick Note to say....

I passed my Japanese Proficiency Exam!!!!

No time for details now since I am having a HELL of a day. Suffice to say I am pretty damn excited at having a little piece of paper (and it really is little) that says I can offically speak, read, write and understand Japanese.

How much do I rock?*

*Despite all appearance this is NOT a question so please don't feel obliged to answer.


Sloth said...

Very Hard girl.
You rock very hard.

Strong work!

Anonymous said...

you rock HEAPS!!

Great work - i knew you could do it!!

well done!!

be as proud as punch!!!

Julesy said...

Congratulations Jo!!! You do rock! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Bloody marvellous...a red letter day..well done