February 15, 2007

Soccer Star

I noticed 2 things at soccer last night.

1) Making a big show of rolling around on the floor in agony after being involved in any minor altercation is not an activity restricted to professional players. And,

2) It's easy to be a good defender when the people you are playing against are too afraid of you to resist any challenge you make for the ball.

There is one other girl playing with us and she is so afraid of getting hurt that all I need to do to get the ball off her is run up to her! She just stops what she is doing and puts her arms up around her head as though she is bracing for a plane crash and makes "eek" noises and ignores the ball. And I guess the guys are mostly pretty good at soccer (for example, they can actually kick the ball in the direction they intend to, dribble it down the field without tripping over it, and also do tricky things like flick the ball over defenders heads) so they their defence is pretty lazy cos they just want to kick a goal. So I am the only one who chases the ball around trying to get it off of people constantly. Even though I don't know what I'm doing, it WORKS because of coures it is harder to kick a ball straight when you have someone trying to get it off you all the time. Defence boys! They so often neglect it.

Last night there was one bloke who copped a couple of beatings from the others. He just kept being in the wrong place at the wrong time and once even got head butted in the snoz! I was excused from giving him any sympathy though by his sookie lala performances each time something happened. The first couple of times he was totally just acting it up, carrying on like a 2 bob watch "Ouch! Ow, ow owowie!" I've seen primary kids take violence better than that! So when he got head butted even though that one really must have hurt, I just laughed. Cry baby.

Ah yes. Recent development at school here; the homeroom teacher of the class I ran into trouble with lats week when I ejected a girl from English has been replaced! Apparently he is taking stress leave and now the head techer and the music teacher are sharing the load looking after that year 6 class until the end of the year. I wonder if the incident last week had anything to do with it? Come to think of it - I haven't seen him back at school since then! Oops.

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