October 12, 2006

Hey you! Yeah, with the hair and stuff...

Today I scared the hell out of my grade 5s by telling them that they would have to perform a skit for me in 2 weeks time. In order to practice the new sentence patterns I have been trying to teach them and to try and actually have some fun in class I decided to just let them make their own fun under the guise of English learning. But turns out that putting on skits and so on and so forth is not much fun for these kids. A couple of the kids were almost excited but most of them looked like they were trying to think of a way to be absent from school that day. Anyway, I told them that I don't want a Broadway show, I just want to get a laugh out of it. We'll see if they can come up with anything interesting.

Today I had an awkward situation where I needed to call out a teacher's name but realised that I didn't know it! I've been here for a month and half now so I should really be getting around these names - but I still only know the more common Japanese names. So I sat down for 5 minutes today and made myself memorise all their names and what grade they teach so I don't get caught out again. Maybe I should have done that a few weeks ago... hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

simmialr thing happened to me today - i went to answer my boss's mobile (it was charging and he was out of office) so i picked it up and said hello ... (i had a mental blank i couldn't remember my bosses name) - felt very blonde.