June 15, 2006

No Takeshi's Castle here

They have this show on TV, I don't know what it is actually called, but I call it the Heee??! show. Bascially heee?!! is the noise that Japanese people, particularly girls, make when they are surprised. It is like a variety show, celebs sit behind a desk with a button that makes the heeee?!! noise everytime they press it. The host shows them weird facts and things and they press the button as much as they are surprised, the trivia that gets the most heee??!s wins. Last night's triva included;

1. If you stand on an empty, recently washed PET bottle for one minute and then jump off a cloud will form inside.
2. If you stack 2 cup noodle cups on top of each other, the bottom one will appear larger.
3. If a boyfriend leaves his mobile phone alone with his girlfriend and a message comes, 4 in 10 Japanese girlfriends will read the message.

It is a heaps annoying show because you are constantly hearing Heeheeeheheeheheehehee!!?, and sometimes the people add their own Heee!!?s as well. Such is the state of Japanese TV.

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