March 28, 2007

3 days to go

Last night I went over to the Yamamoto's place for dinner. They were my host fmaily the very first time that I came to Kamogata in high school. Their daughters were both still away, but their son came home from work at about 9pm. It was a really fun night. I just kind of ft into their family dynamic really well, it is just heaps easy to make conversation with them. Usually I feel very awkward and out of place when I go to Japanese people's houses because they never let me do anything, I just have to sit there like the Queen while they fuss around me. This family just treats me like a member and so I get to be more comfortable. Our sense of humour matches too, which helps a lot! I should have caught up with them more while I was here. The father gave me a few stamps out of his collection, I got to pick the ones I liked the most. I am now in possession of the daggiest stamps you have ever seen - they made me laugh so much I was crying.

Today I have to go and greet the Mayor and say goodbye. I will also be required to make up something about how much I enjoyed my time here and how lovely it is to be a teacher here. Better go and work on that then I guess, it's hard to lie convincingly!

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