March 08, 2007

Freaky behaviour - all in the eye of the beholder

I was just stood up by my year 6 class! I organised some super fun games for them and everything since it was supposed to be their last class. Huh.

Oh well, just means more internet surfing time for me. Yesterday in class at the end of a game I had the winners stand up and do the "champion dance". It's a way of making sure no one gets the shits at not winning because if they DO win they are forced to perform a silly dance in front of their classmates making it not altogether a good thing. The kids were all standing around looking at each other waiting for someone else to start them off so I started dancing around like a dickhead to encourage them. One of the girls goes "How come you're doing such an embarassing dance?" (nande sonna hazukashii koto suruno?), to which I replied "Because I'm not embarassed." (hazukashikunaikara) and she was heaps weirded out! I love freaking the kids out with stuff like that. Especially because they are so easy to freak out. That reminds me of a story my neighbour told me. When he was living in America he once pretended to blow his nose on the inside of his jumper and totally freaked out the girl he was sitting with! I don't think she realises it was a joke to this day.

1 comment:

Sloth said...

A snot filled jumper is a great way to ward off kidnappers.