July 04, 2006

Engrish engrish

2 of my classes have been cancelled today so I am doing nothing all morning! It's great. I wish there was some way I could sneak into town and post off my passport to get my visa fixed up for my holiday. Maybe I could build a scarecrow likeness of myself and sit it at the desk in the English room... the chances of someone actually wanting to talk to me in person are slim to none. I really think I spend more time doing nothing than something at work here. I have drawn up a list of things I could do during the summer holidays while the kids are all away. I am going to send it to Hirai at the Board of Education and hopefully something will come of it, although I doubt it. They don't take kindly to suggestions because it hints that perhaps you know better than they do - and that's never a thing you should bring to the attention of your employer. These things include making a correct English translation of the curriculum here and fixing the many spelling and grammatical errors on the English version of the town website. They have 7 native English speakers (well, 5 technicallly since Mario and Phillipe are native Spanish speakers) here and yet they still manage to publish a website advertising their town with text that seems to have been translated by Yahoo.com

They keep talking about how they want the new Asaguchi City to be ahead of its neighbours in English teaching and international relations but don't seem to think that idea is negated at all by advertising themselves in broken English. You'd think for the amount of money they pay us they'd be working us to the bone over issues like this, but they seem to have this attitude that they know best, even in matters of English grammar.

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