July 03, 2006


I told the year 1s about the toothfairy today. They flipped out. I guess it does sound kind of strange when you explain it to someone who has never heard about it before. You take your tooth, put it in a glass of water and in the morning it has turned into a $1 coin! Magic! Of course I left out the important bit about mum or dad sneaking in and doing the swap, which possibly made the story sound quite a lot more interesting than it would be otherwise. Even though they were saying "I can't believe it.", they did believe it. They think we have a God of Teeth in Australia and are wondering why they don't have one here. Clearly they are missing out. Apparently in Japan you just throw your tooth away. If it came out of the top jaw you throw it down, if it came out of the bottom jaw you throw it up (whereupon it goes down eventually anyway so it seems like a waste of time to me), but it doesn't magically turn into anything else, you just get a hole in your mouth!

When I said "Oh, so you just throw it away!" They were all very quick to correct me and say, "Not throw away, just throw." Semantics.

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